Glenn Skip Ross Business Network


Skip Ross is no different than anyone else when it comes to having favorite hobbies, a favorite food or a favorite vacation spot. Let's take a peek into what he loves most.
What three words describe you best? .................. Dedicated, trendsetter, optimistic
What is your biggest motivation? ........................... Teamwork
What are your favorite pastimes?........................... Golfing, Yachting, and Racing, Motor Cycling, Swimming and Aviation
What does staying fit mean to you?...................... Longevity and a clear mind
What is something people might
be surprised to hear about you?..............................I don’t drink
What might people respect most about you?.......My loyalty
What is the hardest challenge you've
have to overcome in business?................................Developing quality leadership skills and funding
If you could choose another occupation,
what might it be and why?.........................................A jet pilot because I like speed
If you could go back in time, what advice
would you give yourself about the business?......Don’t be afraid to ask for what’s needed to take the project to the next level.
What drives you?..........................................................Being able to share good times with family, friends and loved ones
Are you currently the man you
thought you'd become?............................................ No
How important is it to be a team player?........... It is essential for success
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?............... No Limits
What is most important to you in life?................ Balance
One word description of your life thus far.......... Grateful

Glenn Skip Ross
Excellence Award 2015